**What is it? · Read the Manifesto · Implementation · How to Support? · CastaGuilda · CastaCrypto**

*“The END does not justify the MEANS; The MEANS build the END”


CastaGuilda was founded by Rafael Castaneda (@castacrypto).

We are an association of technophilosophers designed to bring together like-minded people who want to approach crypto not from the perspectives of investments and price/action but as an evolving technology that will most certainly have profound impacts on society over the coming decades.

We also serve as a monetization source for the CastaCrypto channel and to allow the further development of Technophilosphy and it’s projects and research, such as Valocracy itself.

CastaGuilda members join the community via payment subscription and/or work collaboration, where they gain access to weekly studies and a structure for collaboration and experimentation in social, political, and economic aspects.

Valocracy began to take form inside CastaGuilda while we attempted to experiment with new forms of on-chain human coordination.

So far, as Valocracy is still being developed, we currently organize ourselves as a holacratic-like collective with 400+ members and 20+ collaborators on a closed Discord server.

Our goal is to keep evolving until we are a full-reference implementation for a valocratic collective while implementing valocratic principles.

Our Principles

We believe that one of the critical aspects of building a community, and one that differs between communities and sales audiences, is that communities should strive to bring people together over a shared set of principles and values that are commonly shared, over the maximization of their own numbers.

These are the principles that we adhere to:

<aside> <img src="/icons/stars_gray.svg" alt="/icons/stars_gray.svg" width="40px" /> "The END does not justify the MEANS; The MEANS build the END"


We find that how something is built is as important as what is being built, or, alternatively, that whatever is built becomes intrinsically tainted by the means employed to build it. That is our foremost and most important principle: that we would rather not achieve a desired end if we did not agree with the means necessary to achieve it, because to do so would result in a faked and misleading end.