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“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” - Albert Einstein

What is Valocracy?

Valocracy is a novel proposal for on-chain human coordination.

It takes inspiration from Web 3 ideals and aims to address an issue that is currently prevalent in both the traditional world and in simpler forms of DAO, and that, in our opinion, is still one of the greater inhibitors for better systems of human coordination.

That issue is that we still operate, even in the so called Web3, with collective arrangements in which “greater purchasing power” usually conveys “greater political representation”.

Thus, Valocracy is designed as a socio-economic framework to operate collectives in which “purchasing power” does not easily translate into “political power”, and where individuals are rewarded by their capacity to contribute to the collective rather than by their capacity to extract from the collective.

If you want to know more about it, please read the Valocracy Manifesto.
